The Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) has fined Sana Cash n Carry Area 47 Shop and Food Mart Limited a default charge of K232, 971.16 each for selling and supplying underweight ABC washing detergent gel on 4th February 2022.

The MBS visited A47 Sana following a tip from the general public that the shop was selling imported ABC Detergent gel suspected to be underweight. MBS officers conducted quality check on the Area 47 Sana Cash n Carry shop was selling ABC
Washing Detergent gel suspected to be underweight, MBS officers visited Area 47 Sana Cash n
Carry to conduct a quality compliance check on the product by weighing the said washing detergent gel using calibrated weighing equipment.

Samples of 250g Green, 400g Green and 400g Blue ABC washing detergent gel
were weighed using calibrated scales, and the samples gave an average reading of 208g, 385g and 350g, respectively. These readings included weight of the packaging material.

Sana Cash N Carry Area 47 shop indicated that the said product was being supplied by Food Mart
Limited in Lilongwe. Therefore, MBS inspectors also visited Food Mart Limited to check if similar products in their stock had the same problem. Samples of the product weighed at supplier’s warehouse were also found to be underweights. All such non-conforming products were quarantined and both the seller and the supplier were ordered to either re-export the product or destroy it, in accordance with the provision of the MBS Act (Cap 51: 02). Re-exportation or destruction of the products will be done under the watch of the MBS.
MBS wishes to thank the public for such tips as this is one way which helps us to monitor compliance of products that are being sold on the Malawi market.

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